


Easy to reach University Hospital


There are a number of dental doctors who specialize in specializing in higher medical institutions including Tokyo Medical and Dental University. I would like to take care of the general medical care in a safe manner, and to work positively in the special treatment which is difficult in usual dental clinic, and I want to be rooted in the region like a university hospital. I want to be a dental clinic where you can consult with you when you have trouble with your mouth. In addition, the kids space was prepared so that children can easily pass. Please do not hesitate to take care of your children. Because it is a barrier free design, the wheelchair and the stroller are easy to move. In addition, we are in the shopping center, so we can receive treatment and cleaning of teeth after shopping. Because it is possible to use a large parking lot of the shopping center, it is easy to consult a lot of people who usually move by car.Please do not leave your mouth symptoms.

在Ayu会上,以东京医科齿科大学为首的高次医疗机关中,专业领域的牙科医生有多人在籍。在能安心接受一般的保险诊疗的同时,也积极致力于普通的牙科医院难以接受的专业性的治疗,想像大学医院一样扎根于地域。 我院希望是一家在有口腔烦恼的时候,可以轻松咨询的牙科医院,平时是19点,星期六和星期天是18点。 而且,为了让带孩子的人也能更方便地去,我们准备了儿童空间。不能寄存孩子,忍耐着嘴巴烦恼的父母,也请一定要来本院。因为是无障碍设计的院内,所以轮椅和婴儿车的移动也很方便。 另外,本院位于购物中心内,购物时可以顺便接受治疗和牙齿的清洗。因为可以使用购物中心的大型停车场,所以平时开车去的人也很容易咨询您的烦恼。 不要放任口腔症状,请随意来本院。

Dentists 歯科医師


朱 虹霏

Experience 职业经历

  • 2018.3

    Graduated from the Department of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

    東京医科歯科大学歯学部 毕业

  • 2018.4~2018.10

    Served in Kata Dental hospital

    就职于 斉田歯科医院

  • 2018.11~2019.3

    Served in Affiliated Hospital of Department of Dentistry Tokyo Medical and Dental University

    就职于 東京医科歯科大学歯学部附属病院

  • 2019.4~

    College of Tokyo Medical and Dental University The doctoral program in the field of maxillofacial surgery is in progress

    東京医科歯科大学大学院 顎顔面外科学分野 博士課程在读

  • 2021.2~

    Served in Aiyu dental Wako clinic.

    就职于 あいゆう歯科和光診療所



Hello, I’m Zhu Hongfei, a dental doctor working in the Department of dentistry. I am currently studying at the University College of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, specializing in clinical treatment and related research of oral surgery. I will listen carefully to your concerns about your teeth, so as to provide you with better advice, and I am committed to providing you with reassuring, painless and professional treatment. Whether it’s simple dental caries repair, or complex planting and extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, I will solve the problem wholeheartedly for you without worrying about the future.

大家好,我是就职于あいゆう歯科的齿科医师朱虹霏。 我目前就读于東京医科歯科大学大学院,专攻口腔外科的临床治疗及相关研究。 我将仔细聆听您对牙齿的担忧,以便为您提供更好的建议,并致力于为您提供安心、无痛、专业的治疗。 无论是简单的龋齿修复,还是复杂的种植、阻生智齿拔除,我都将全心全意为您解决问题,不留后顾之忧。

Director 院长


小野里 祐佑

Experience 职业经历

  • 2012

    Graduated from the Department of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

    東京医科歯科大学歯学部 毕业

  • 2012~2013

    served in Yokohama Municipal Red Cross Hospital

    就职于 横浜市立みなと赤十字病院

  • 2013~2017

    College of Tokyo Medical and Dental University awarded the doctor’s degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery

    東京医科歯科大学大学院 顎口腔外科学分野 获得博士称号

  • 2017~2019

    Service of Red Cross Hospital

    就职于 さいたま赤十字病院

  • 2019~

    teaching assistant in the division of oral radiation oncology Department of medical and dental research University College of Tokyo Medical and Dental University

    東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学 総合研究科口腔放射線腫瘍学分野 助教

  • 2020.2~

    the dean of the Wakou clinic

    あいゆう歯科和光診療所 就任院长



I am the director of Yusuke Onozato who opened the Aiyu dental Wako clinic. After graduating from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, I have been working in the Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the university hospital. I have been involved in regional medicine in Saitama Prefecture for five years. From now on, I wanted to contribute to the community to the community through the medical treatment. From the treatment of the teeth and the periodontal disease, we promise to provide more than equal medical care to the patient’s mouth for the trouble of the patient such as the acquaintance, the implant treatment, and the oral examination of the oral cancer which is said to be impossible to be extracted only in a large hospital. I will take care of the trusted dental clinic where I thought it would be safe if I leave it to Aiyu dental.

大家好,我是开诊所的院长小野里佑佑。 我从东京医科齿科大学毕业后,一边在该大学医院口腔外科进行临床研究,一边在埼玉红十字医院从事了约5年埼玉县的地域医疗工作。 今后想从更近的立场通过牙科医疗为地区的大家做贡献,所以在这个和光之地开业了。 从虫牙和牙周病等的治疗,到在大的医院以外不能拔牙的智齿,植入治疗,口腔癌的检查等让患者为难的事保证提供与大学医院同等以上的医疗。 为了让大家觉得“交给Aiyu牙科就放心了”,我们将以值得信赖的牙科医院为目标进行诊疗。